Chapter 3 DynaScript Predefined Objects

DOMElement methods

The DOMElement object inherits all of the methods of the DOMNode object, but it also has its own methods, which are discussed in this section.

getAttribute method


DOMElement.getAttribute( name )


Retrieves an attribute value by name.


The attribute value as a string or an empty string if the attribute does not have value.


This example writes out the value of the Type attribute for each Region element in a DOM document stored in the variable domDoc.

elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" );
for ( iEl = 0 ; iEl < elemlist.length ; iEl++ ){
elem = elemlist.item(iEl);
document.writeln( elem.getAttribute( "Type" ) );

getAttributeNode method


DOMElement.getAttributeNode( name )


Retrieves an attribute node by name.


A DOMAttribute object or null if there is no such attribute.


This example assigns a DOMAttribute object to a variable named attnode. This object represents the Type attribute for a Region element in the DOM document domDoc.

elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" );
for ( iEl = 0 ; iEl < elemlist.length ; iEl++ ){
elem = elemlist.item(iEl);
attnode = elem.getAttributeNode( "Type" );
document.writeln( attnode.nodeValue );

See also

"DOMAttribute object".

getElementsByTagName method


DOMElement.getElementsByTagName( name )


Returns a DOMNodeList object of all descendant elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they would be encountered in the document. Tag names in XML are case-sensitive. The special tag name "*" can be used to retrieve a list of DOMElement objects regardless of the tag name.

To search for DOMElement objects in the entire document, use the getElementsByTagName method on the DOMDocument object.


A list of matching Element nodes.


Here is a simple XML document with a nested structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ListItem>Item 1
<List><ListItem>Item 1.1</ListItem>
<ListItem>Item 2</ListItem>

This script fragment writes out the text content of each ListItem element, in the order in which they are encountered.

var docElem = domDoc.documentElement;
elemlist = docElem.getElementsByTagName( "ListItem" );
document.writeln( elemlist.length) ;
for( iEl=0; iEl < elemlist.length ; iEl++ ){
elemlist.item(iEl).firstChild.nodeValue );

The output from this example is:

Item 1
Item 1.1
Item 2

See also

"DOMNodeList object".

normalize method


DOMElement.normalize( )


Normalizing an element places it and all its descendants into a standard format. For all DOMText node objects that are descendants of this element, adjacent (sibling) DOMText objects are combined into a single DOMText object.

Adjacent DOMCDATASection nodes are not combined even though they inherit from DOMText .


This statement normalizes the element named elem.


removeAttribute method


DOMElement.removeAttribute( att_name )


Removes the specified attribute. att_name is the name of the attribute to be removed.

The method returns nothing, as required by the DOM specification. This means there is no natural way to check for the success of the method. You can, however while debugging and testing, execute a prettyPrint() on the element after the call.


This method returns nothing.


This function removes all Type attributes from Region elements in a DOMDocument object stored in domDoc.

function RemoveTypeAttribute( domDoc ) {
elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" );
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
elem.removeAttribute( "Type" );

See also

"DOMAttribute object".

removeAttributeNode method


DOMElement.removeAttributeNode( att_node )


Removes the specified attribute node.


The DOMAttribute object that was removed.


This example removes all Type attributes from Region elements in a DOMDocument object stored in domDoc. It confirms the removal by writing out the name of the removed attribute.

function RemoveTypeAttribute( domDoc ) {
elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" );
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
attnode = elem.getAttributeNode( "Type" )
old_att = elem.removeAttributeNode( attnode );
document.writeln( "Attribute " + +
"removed" );

See also

"DOMAttribute object".

setAttribute method


DOMElement.setAttribute( name, value )


Adds a new attribute to the element. If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter. The parameters are:

To assign an attribute value that contains entity references, first create a DOMAttribute object, plus any DOMText and DOMEntityReference objects. Then insert the text and entity reference objects as children of the DOMAttribute , and use setAttributeNode to assign the attribute to the element.


This function changes the value of the Type attribute for all Region elements from its current setting to County.

function SetAttribute( domDoc ){
elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" );
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
elem.setAttribute( "Type", "County" )
document.writeln( elem.prettyPrint() );

See also

"DOMAttribute object"

setAttributeNode method


DOMElement.setAttributeNode( newAttr  )


Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one. newAttr is the DOMAttribute object representing the attribute to be set.


If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same name, the previously existing DOMAttribute object is returned, otherwise null is returned.


This function resets the value of the Type attribute for reach Region element to County. It then uses prettyPrint to display the structure of the document for debugging purposes.

function SetAttributeNode( domDoc ){
elemlist = domDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Region" );
for( iElem=0; iElem < elemlist.length; iElem++ ) {
elem = elemlist.item( iElem );
attnode = elem.getAttributeNode( "Type" );
attnode.value = "County";
old_att = elem.setAttributeNode( attnode );
document.writeln( domDoc.prettyPrint() );

See also

"DOMAttribute object".


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