Unione Parmense degli Industriali - Digital Ecosystem

Unione Parmense degli Industriali actively participates in "E015 – Digital Ecosystem".

"E015 – Digital Ecosystem" is a digital environment for cooperation open, competitive, non-discriminatory and competitive environment for the development of integrated services offered to citizens through the Internet and represents an important opportunity for the development of the territory.

The initiative is a collaboration between Expo 2015 SpA and Confindustria, Milan Chamber of Commerce, Confcommercio, Assolombarda and Union of Commerce with the aim to facilitate the matching of supply and demand of goods and services by the business system in favor of citizens, not only in the four years of preparation and conduct of the World Fair, but also for subsequent years.

"E015 – Digital Ecosystem" make available to all economic operators wishing to participate in the technological standards, the guidelines, processes, rules and infrastructure elements enabling to promote the interoperability of ICT services and the creation of computer applications (multi-channel / multi-device and / or web sites) that offer integrated functionality to end users.

More details can be found at http://www.e015.expo2015.org/.